The second day started unusually for us. We were surprised by our host Jan at Priepasne, who made cakes with curd cheese and poppy seeds at 5 am. After fulfilling breakfast we made it to Podolie, where we visited Park of Slovak castles’ miniatures almost 60 pieces in scale 1:50. Heavens looked they are going to open soon so we moved quickly to next village Cachtice. We walked up the hill to the castle, but did not go for tour because of the clouds. Thanks to a legend Elizabeth Bathory who lived in castle and believed in eternal youth, killed hundreds of young women and took bath in their blood. She killed during her life around 600 young girls and women.
After that we started engines and headed to Trencin where we had great lunch of french onion soup, grilled smoked sausages, farmers’ potatoes and grilled hermelin cheese. This and local beer we tasted at brewery Lanius. At Trencin we did not make it to the castle because we still had long journey ahead.
Before leaving Trencin, we had to wear waterproof gear because although max speed 60 km/h we felt cold and drizzle. It was amazing to see how the country is changing. We moved towards hills where from Vespa we were happy to see a lot of green, grass and trees. Although the road became difficult due to hills, we could breath more freely.
After descending few serpentines, we came to Cicmany where you can find traditional folk architecture typical for this region. Wooden houses with folk symbols painted in white. From Cicmany we came to village Valca near by Snowland Ski centre and from there to Martin where we stayed overnight.
Druhy den cesty sme zacali skvelymi ranajkami, domacimi buchtami s tvarohom a makom, ktore nam pripravil domaci Jan na ubytovani o 5 rano. Po zbaleni sme sa vybrali do obce Podolie, kde sa nachadza Park miniatur slovenskych zamkov, hradov a kostolov. Dohromady ich je takmer 60 v mierke 1:50. Kedze sa zchylovalo k dazdu tak sme sa poponahlali do nedalekych Cachtic, kde sme si vyslapali kopec az k hradu. Na obhliadku sme nesli kvoli mrakom. Pripomenuli sme si Cachticku pani, ktora vdaka viere vo vecnu mladost podla povesti zabijala mlade dievcence a kupala sa v ich krvi. Zabila takto okolo 600 dievcat a zien.
Nasadli sme na motorky a vydali sa do Trencina, kde sme sa dobre naobedovali francuzskej cibulacky, pecenych klobas, sedliackych zemiakov a grilovaneho hermelinu. Toto vsetko a este aj pivo sme ochutnali v pivovare Lanius. Na trenciansky hrad sme sa rozhodli neist, pretoze nas este cakalo dost kilometrov do ciela.
Ako sme vychadzali z Trencina, museli sme si obliect nepremokave overaly, pretoze aj v sialenych 60km/hod sme citili chlad a obcasne mrholenie. Bolo skvele vidiet ako sa meni krajina okolo nas. Postupne sme sa presunuli viac do kopcov, kde sme sa z Vespy zacali kochat nad mnozstvom zelene. Hoci bola cesta narocnejsa co sa tyka kopcov, o to lepsie sa dychalo.
Po prechode zopar serpentinami sme sa dostavili do obce Cicmany, kde sme obdivovali ludovu architekturu, drevene domy pomalovane znakmi v bielej farbe. Z Cicmian sme sa dostali do obce Valca, nedaleko Snowland lyziarskeho strediska a odtial do Martina, kde sme prespali nasledujucu noc.