We already had a few stops planned ahead on sixth day. First of all, we stopped for breakfast at Busov Farm on the way to Bardejov town centre. We had freshly baked rolls, cheese and milk from region we ate on the parking. It was so delicious!
On the main square in Bardejov we entered church of St. Egidius which took us back to 14th Century with its unique interior, statue of Christ and wooden altars. It was so peaceful, so we could easily spent there couple more hours just looking around. It also appeared to us like churches in England with simple but meaningful decoration.
As we walked along the main square, our sweet teeth found the way to traditional At Grandma’s Pattisserie (with electric train which we repaired) where we had sweet cakes and tea. Such little break added enough energy to our bodies before we left to explore other part of eastern Slovakia which was new for all of us and we looked forward to see it.
After a few minutes on scooter and motorbikes we rode into Hervartov, village of blue houses and houses to store straw. There we called lady from council and asked her to open famous wooden church dedicated to St Francis of Asisi. She interpreted history of the church and artifacts displayed and answered all our questions. Happily we must say, when we left the church tourists from Hungary were queuing before the door. It was amazing feeling to know it is interesting place for people abroad.
After one hour in the church we traveled another 6 kilometres to explore another part of eastern Slovakia. It was village Hertnik, where we booked a visit to home based factory of handmade soaps. Soap factory Sylvia produces 100% natural soaps made of goats milk, natural oils and herbs or other natural ingredients like coal. Sylvia also presents and sells her certified handmade products in Bardejov and Bardejov Spa markets and online on www.mydlarensylvia.com. Sylvia and her husband make mouthwatering goat cheese and sell very tasty goat milk, popular in surrounding area, given by their friendly grass-fed female goats bred on their own land.
Hungry, after our exiting visits we quickly passed Presov and headed towards Dobsina where we wanted to visit our famous ice cave Dobsina. It was later in the afternoon getting darker and we were in the National Park Slovak Paradise where the temperature got down to 15 degrees Celzius. We therefore decided to move on to Telgart to find our next accommodation. Before that we tried Dobsina Hill famous for fast racing events. We were happy to be able to make it uphill not only downhill on our Snowball Vespa. From there we were lucky and stopped to drink water from stream of river Hron.
In Telgart, for dinner we had homemade garlic and sauerkraut soups and splashed it with Slovak beer Predna Hora.
Na 6. den sme mali na plane niekolko zastavok. Ako prve, kedze sme nemali nachystane ranajky z predosleho vecera, sme sa zastavili v predajni Gazdovsky dvor, farma Busov. Tam sme nakupili domace pecivo, syry a mlieko a naranajkovali sme sa na parkovisku pri motorkach. Odtial sme sa presunuli do centra Bardejova, kde sme navstivili chram sv. Egidia zo 14. storocia kde sme sa nevedeli vynadivat na sochu Krista ako aj drevene oltare. Miestami sme mali pocit ze sa nachadzame v kostole v Anglicku a to najma vdaka jednoduchej a nevysperkovanej vyzdobe.
Po navsteve kostola nas chut na sladke namierila do vonavej cukrarne U Babicky, kde sa nam podarilo opravit elektricky vlacik. Dostatok cukru nam zabezpecilo energiu na dalsie kilometre a vybrali sme sa dalej objavovat co ponuka vychod Slovenska, ktory bol pre nas vsetkych nepoznany.
Po par minutach na motorke sme sa dostavili do obce Hervartov, ktora nas prekvapila zivou modrou farbou na domoch a silach. Tu sme zastavili aby sme navstivili dreveny kostolik zasvateny sv. Frantiskovi z Asisi. Aby nam ho otvorili, museli sme zavolat na obecny urad. Za 10minut prisla pani sprievodkyna, ktora nam podala vycerpavajuci vyklad k historii a artefaktom. Po hodine stravenej v kostole nas milo prekvapila skupina madarov cakajucich na prehliadku. Sme velmi radi ze tento kut Slovenska je znamy a pridu si pozriet aj ludia zo zahranicia.
Dalsim bodom programu bolo dohodnute stretnutie s pani Sylviou, ktora vyraba 100%prirodne mydla z kozieho mlieka. Mydlaren Sylvia je firma nachadzajuca sa v obci Hertnik. Pani Sylvia so svojim manzelom vlastnia pozemok na ktorom sa im pasu priatelske kozy, ktore im produkuju mlieko predavane na pitie a pri vyrobe mydla a syrov ktore taktiez predavaju. Mydlaren Sylvia je aktivna firma, s ktorej vyrobkami sa mozete stretnut na trhoch v Bardejove, alebo Bardejovskych kupeloch. Tiez je mozne objednat si zo sirokej ponuky certifikovanych, rucne robenych vyrobkov na ich stranke www.mydlarensylvia.com.
Po prehliadkach sme vyhladnuti rychlo presli okolo Presova a smerovali na Dobsinu. Kvoli neskoremu prichodu sme nestihli prehliadku Dobsinskej ladovej jaskyne v Slovenskom Raji a kedze sa zveceriavalo a teplota vzduchu klesla na 15 stupnov, rozhodli sme sa presunut sa do Telgartu. Este sme vsak stihli ochutnat vodu z pramena rieky Hron a skusili sme aj Dobsinsky kopec znamy pretekmi. Boli sme radi ze sme ho vysli aj smerom hore na nasej Snehovej guli.
Na veceru nam v kolibe pripravili domacu cesnakovu a kapustovu polievku a cele sme to zapili slovenskym pivom Predna Hora.