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Day 7 or Slovak Route 66 and White Tipi - Slovakia on Vespa 2017Slovakia on Vespa 2017

Slovakia on Vespa 2017

Our adventure continued on day 7 as well. In the morning, we took our bikes from under the shelter and as we turned ignition on on Snowball the oil indicator started flashing and it was not only fuel we had to buy. This surprised us because we counted and added enough engine oil before we started our journey. But when you think, we started our journey 1000 kilometres ago and the nature of the roads, hills, High Tatras and whether conditions were so unpredictable for fully loaded little Vespa carrying two people on the seat for the whole journey, that we cannot be more thankful she did not leave us in the middle of the road or hill where we would have to push her from. She deserved to grease her inside parts of the engine.
First of all, we needed to find a shop to buy engine oil. No sign of specific engine oils until we got to town centre in Brezno. We did not plan to stop there and that is maybe it started raining on our way from the town. Finally we found similar oil and topped up oil tank. Dressed up in waterproof gear again we could continue in journey.
Without oil control flashing we headed towards geographical middle of Slovakia. After speaking to some local person in village Lubietova, who said that the signpost for the Middle of Slovakia is on the top of the hill and the road leading there was muddy and it was drizzling we decided in the middle of the road we rather come another time.
From drizzle it became quite downpour and when you add hunger you need to hide somewhere nice and warm. We did not even know and we stopped in central office of Slovak Route 66 in Lopej were we enjoyed our lunch and bought some pastries and rolls in next door bakery for later afternoon.
Slovak route 66 links north and south of Slovakia, from borders with Poland to borders with Hungary in total of 247 kilometres (154 miles). The main idea of this route marked I/66 is to join regions, highlight cultural, natural and historical places, tourism and social development. Good example is event Programme of Route 66 held beginning of August 2017. We took a picture of this place and started another part of the day towards Banska Bystrica. It rained for almost whole journey and we were looking for sunny south we could see in distance as we were getting closer to Krupina. There we did some shopping for evening barbecue and moved according to instruction on how to find accommodation for tonight. The instruction clearly said to follow bridleway path behind the town up the hill, along the manure and when you see blue maringotka (car trailer suitable for living) you are close to their land.
On the senventh night we slept in true Tipi, Slovak cuvac (dog breed) and his older fellow were looking after us and accompanied us during our barbecue night until midnight. We had a good chat with hosts, Slovak lady and her British husband with whom we could compare live in UK and in Slovakia. Another great experience and meeting interesting people.

Na siedmy den sme opat zazili nase dobrodruzstvo. Rano, ked sme z pod pristreska vytiahli nase krasne motorky, sme zistili, ze okrem natankovania budeme potrebovat doplnit olej. Tato skutocnost nas mierne zaskocila, kedze sme pred cestou mali vsetko vypocitane a doplnene. Avsak ked sa nad tym zamyslime, tak to nie je az take prekvapujuce, ked si vezmeme kolko kilometrov sme uz presli a za akych veternych aj dazdivych podmienok sme jazdili a presli aj Vysoke Tatry a zdolali niekolko dalsich kopcov. Za toto vsetko sa chceme touto cestou nasej Vespe velmi podakovat, ze nas nenechala niekde uprostred cesty, alebo kopca, odkial by sme ju museli potlacit. Preto si zasluzila premazat utroby motora.
Ako prvy bod programu sme mali co najskor najst predajnu s motorovymi olejmi a jedinu co sme nasli sme objavili v centre Brezna. Kedze sme sa v Brezne nemali v plane zastavovat a tiez sa rozprsalo, museli sme si obliect nepremokave overaly a sadnut na motorky a vyrazit.
Uz bez svietiacej kontrolky oleja sme sa vydali dalej na zapad, ku geografickemu stredu Slovenska. Po rozhovore s miestnym clovekom z Lubietovej, ktory povedal ze stred Slovenska sa nachadza na kopci a cesta bola plna blata a mrholilo, sme sa asi v polovici cesty do ciela rozhodli vynechat tento bod na nasom programme.
Ked nas po ceste zachytil najsilnejsi dazd a boli sme uz aj vyhladnuti, utocisko sme nasli v centrale Slovenskej Route 66 v Lopeji, kde sme mali vydatny obed a nakupili pecivo vo vedlajsej predajni pekarenskych vyrobkov.
Slovenska Route 66 sa tiahne od hranic s Polskom cez stred Slovenska az k juznej hranici s Madarskom a ma celkovo 247 kilometrov. Hlavnou myslienkou Slovenskej Route 66, cesty I.triedy s oznacenim I/66, je prepojenie regionov, zviditelnenie miestnych pamiatok, prirodnych kras, zvykov, prikladom coho je aj podujatie Program Route 66 SK zaciatkom augusta. Cielom je nielen rozvoj cestovneho ruchu, ale i rozvoj socialny a sluzieb. Na zaver navstevy sme sa dofotili na pamiatku a vydali sa dalej po route 66 dalej, smer Banska Bystrica, okolo ktorej sme sa snazili prejst obdalec. Kedze nam s prestavkami takmer celu cestu prsalo, tak sme sa tesili vidine slnka v juznejsej casti Slovenska, v okoli Krupiny. Nakup na vecernu opekacku sme urobili v malych potravinach priamo v Krupine, odkial sme sa podla instrukcii majitelov ubytovania, nie asfaltovou cestou, okolo kopy hnoja, mali dostat k ich pozemku, ktory sme spoznali vdaka modrej maringotke. Siedmu noc nasej vypravy sme okusili nefalsovane Tipi, kde nam Slovensky Cuvac a jeho maly starucky kamarat, robili spolocnost od priprav na opekacku az do polnoci. Majitelia, dvojica anglican a slovenka, boli velmi mili hostitelia, s ktorymi sme si mali co to povedat a porovnat zivot v UK a na Slovensku. Dalsia vyborna skusenost a spoznanie novych ludi.

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