Slovakia on Vespa 2017

Our First day started a bit later as we were planning due to heavy rain in the morning. So instead of 9 o’clock we departed at 11:30am from Hlohovec. After refuelling at petrol station, checking tyres pressures and all necessary checks we could start from the favourite viewpoint on top of the Hlohovec’s hill where you can see surrounding Trnava region. We had also time to visit traditional manufacturer company of cotton made products as tights PLESO ( Here we learned all about manufacture of kids tights and why they are so popular.
Our first stop was medieval castle Cerveny Kamen (Red Stone castle) from 13th century where Medieval festival took place. Here you could experience atmosphere, customs and medieval food as it was prepared and eaten in ancient time. So we did it and it was awesome experience which you shouldn’t miss also. On the way from festival we tried traditional slovak dishes in local restaurant. We had deep fried cheese with fries, battered pork escallopes and big potato pancake filled with pork ragu with chef’s selected sauce. We spent here around 2 hours and then headed to Smolenice castle built in 15th century. We moved on local roads to another point of interest, memorial of Milan Rastislav Stefanik near Brezova pod Bradlom, who was famous military general and diplomatic during Czechoslovakia Republic. He served at the same time as a general in the French Army and as Minister of War for Czechoslovakia. As one of the leading members of the Czechoslovak National Council (the resistance government), he contributed decisively to the cause of Czechoslovakian sovereignty, since the status of Czech- and Slovak-populated territories was one of those in question until shortly before the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1918. He died unexpectedly in plane crash in 1919.
As days are so hot now, Vespa was overheating and it was much slower ride as we thought and hills are pains to be honest. Slowly we moved to picturesque village Priepasne where we had booked overnight staying at Jan’s barn and enjoyed total countryside with excellent company. Such a relief after hectic day on the road.

Nas prvy den Velkeho Maleho dobrodruzstva sa zacal s oneskorenim, kedze sme museli cakat kym prestane prsat. Takze sme odchadzali namiesto z planovanej 9 hodiny az o 11:30. Po nevyhnutnom tankovani a skontrolovani motoriek sme sa vybrali na vyhliadku nad Hlohovcom odkial je vidiet cely okolity Trnavsky kraj. Mali sme taktiez cas navstivit tradicneho vyrobcu bavlnenych pancuch PLESO ( a spoznat zakutia vyroby, ako aj preco su stale tak popularne detske pancuchy prave od nich.
Nase prve zastavenie bol Festival zabudnutych remesiel v zamku Cerveny kamen z 13. storocia. Tu sme ochutnali stredoveku atmosferu, zvyky ako aj stredoveke jedlo pripravovane v tych casoch. Jednoznacne by ste toto miesto nemali minut! V miestnej restauracii sme ochutnali tradicne slovenske jedla ako vyprazany syr s hranolkami, vyprazanu zemiakovu placku plnenu masom a cernohorsky rezen s ryzou. Odtialto sme sa presunuli na nadherny Smolenicky zamok postaveny v 15. Storoci. Po miestnych cestach sme sa presunuli na Mohylu Milana Rastislava Stefanika v Brezovej pod Bradlom, vyznamneho vojenskeho generala a diplomata v historii byvaleho Ceskoslovenska, ktory zomrel pri pade lietadla v roku 1919.
Kedze teploty su vcelku vysoke tieto dni, tak Vespa bola trochu lenivejsia kvoli prehrievaniu sa, najma do kopcov s 2 ludmi a batozinou to je narocne. Ako sa den blizil ku koncu, tak sme sa presunuli do malebnej dedinky Priepasne, kde sme mali rezervovane ubytovanie u Jana v tradicnom dedinskom dome s vyhladom na prirodu a bekajuce ovce. Skvely odpocinok po narocnom dni ak mame pravdu povedat.

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